Pumpkin spice flavored coffee, one of the world’s most popular seasonal drinks to ever be talked about. Even people who don’t like it are talking about it! It's just one of those drinks that comfort you after a chilly afternoon of raking leaves and carving pumpkins. Unfortunately,
out of all the coffee shops around the world, some don’t taste like the seasons’ signature “Pumpkin Spice.”

I’m writing this blog to help steer Pumpkin Spice lovers towards the right place to get their coffee. Why should someone pay five bucks on a small, seasonal drink that doesn’t even taste like it should! I don’t know about anyone else, but if I’m this obsessed with something like
Pumpkin Spice, I want the top notch stuff and it be worth it.

To start off, I researched, on average, where most people would choose to get there daily coffee in the morning. I narrowed it down to two, and that would be Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks. To show how these two coffee shops compare to any other place that isn’t so popular, I also investigated with an average gas station’s coffee and for that I choose 7 Eleven. At the end of this evaluation, people will hopefully have a better input on where they should purchase their daily coffee, even if it’s not just a seasonal drink. Whose coffee is more worth the price, size, and taste?

At most gas stations, you’d expect the coffee to just be enough to wake you up, nothing too spectacular. But sheesh, don’t be surprised when I could be the best coffee you’ve ever tasted. When I was pouring
the coffee into my cup, I could smell the pumpkin just from the steam cooling off in the face. It was hot,  creamy, sweet, and the perfect amount of happiness
in just a 12 ounce cup. The amount of coffee you get into a small cup compared to the price I paid, $1.07 is completely worth it, especially when you taste it!
If I were to rate 7 Eleven on their seasonal pumpkin spice coffee, I would give them a 9 out of 10. The only reason I wouldn’t say 1 out of 10 is because the
coffee is a bit sweet, it somewhat reminds me of a cappuccino, but not quit sweet or foamy enough. For people who like their coffee darker with barely any
sweetener or creamer, 7 Eleven’s Pumpkin Spice isn’t for

The second coffee shop I evaluated on Pumpkin Spice
coffee was Dunkin Donuts. Everybody knows their slogan, “America Runs on Dunkin,” but does it really? Is it really the best place to choose for your daily coffee? I’ll admit, Dunkin Donuts is the number one place I think of when I think “coffee”.  The reason for that is because it’s a reasonable price and it hits the spot! When I purchased my small, Pumpkin Spice coffee, it came in a tiny 10 ounce cup. I mean for $1.81 I guess that’s worth it, but being the customer craving Pumpkin Spice coffee, a tiny 10 ounce cup doesn’t look like much. The taste of the coffee itself I  would say is just an average cup
of coffee, with Pumpkin Spice flavor. Even though Dunkin Donuts does put the perfect amount of sugar and cream in their coffee, feel like the taste sort of
wares off. It’s like you have to drink half of the cup to get the strong taste of the pumpkin spice at the bottom, almost like the coffee is watered down.  Overall, I would give Dunkin Donuts’ Pumpkin Spice coffee 7 out of 10 because of the taste versus the size of the cup and price. In such a small 10 ounce cup for $.81, you would think it’s going to be the best tasting coffee ever, but really it’s more of just an average cup of coffee with an average taste.

The last cup of coffee I choose to evaluate is Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice. Starbucks calls their small sized coffee “tall,” it’s a French way to  name their sized drinks. Like their French style names, Starbucks’ also makes their coffee stronger than most coffee shops. So it’s more unique then let’s say, Dunkin Donuts. Starbucks, without a question, is more expensive than the other two coffee shops I evaluated. For a tall, 12 ounce Pumpkin Spice
coffee its $4.12.When I purchased my cup of coffee, I was hoping it was going to be better than 7 Eleven’s and Dunkin Donut’s cup of coffee, but I was surprisingly disappointed. For a cup of coffee to be that expensive, I thought there would be an awful lot more of a pumpkin flavor to it. I was expecting the coffee to be a bit stronger than the others because that’s how Starbucks makes their coffee, but I wasn’t expecting such a weird taste and an even worse after taste. It’s just not my cup of coffee. So over all I would give
Starbucks Pumpkin Spice coffee 5 out of 10, mostly because of the expensive price compared to the taste itself.

If I were to choose the best coffee of all three places, considering the size,  price, and overall taste of the coffee, I would choose 7 Eleven's Pumpkin Spice coffee. The taste has a bit of a sweet  spice and a creamy pumpkin flavor all at the same time! How could it get better then that? Oh wait, it can, the price is only a
dollar and seven cents and completely worth every
Lola Wibbles
5/29/2015 12:10:03 pm



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