In Alina Tugend’s article on multitasking, she shares with her readers that psychologist, neuroscientists, and others are researching and finding out that multitasking simply just doesn’t work. Having a conversation over the internet using email and talking on the phone with a friend is beyond some people, it is multitasking, but it’s also causing stress and making people less efficient. Obviously it is possible for the human brain to switch tasks and get multiple things done at once, and some multitasking is beneficial, but Alina's article explains why it could be unbeneficial, so listen closely. Earl Miller, a neuroscientist from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, researched that when there are a bunch of visual stimulants in front of a human, only one or two things tend to activate your neurons, meaning the brain can only focus on one to two items at once. 

Alina responds by writing this article and focusing on the matter of not taking much to realize the more your brain tries to focus on more than two tasks at once, the longer it’s going to take you to complete every task in all. So take Alina’s advice, “you, too, can learn the art of single-tasking.”
Cody Hamsammich
10/22/2013 10:42:23 am

I agree completely. When I am talking on the phone or to another person, I can't remember anything. As I am typing this I am talking to you currently and I will remember nothing of which I am typing now. Also, sometimes if I am talking on the phone while I am driving, (don't do), I barely remember getting home. Wow.

Steph M
10/22/2013 10:49:46 am

I thought this response was helpful because I did not choose to read this article for the blog assignment. After reading through this summary I am now fully aware of what this article had to say. I do believe however that there are certain tasks you can achieve faster by choosing to multitask, I think that ultimately it can depend upon the person. Although I do agree that most tasks should not be paired with others while in the process of completion because it will in fact take longer, I have learned this through procrastination homework experience of course.


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