Amber Wiltse wasn’t a fan of literacy until she had to create a video
of a narrative for a paired Literacies and Justice Class. She wasn’t interested
in the narrative she had to research whatsoever. She barely knew anything about
video editing either! And to add to that, she had to intertwine music with in
the video that went a long with the still pictures. Even though she had troubles
creating the video, it turned out great and she tried to make it fun in her own
way. What made the project easier for Amber was literacy believe it or not. Yes,
literacy! Amber is picky when it comes to reading novels; it really has to be
something she enjoys, like romance. Non of that science fiction stuff, but Harry
Potter is an exception. In Amber’s household, Harry Potter is “the way of life.”
Whether it’s a movie or novel, everybody in her home lives for the series.
Literacy not only helped Amber get through the video project, but it also formed
a bond with her and her brother. Even when the series ended, Amber and her
brother found other series of books to read and they stay connected. As Amber
says, “literacy isn’t boring at all.”

4/4/2016 02:15:41 am

Non of that science fiction stuff, but Harry
Potter is an exception. In Amber’s household,


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